Creating "collections" in Biblio


  • Question

Has anyone figured out a clever way to make collections in Biblio? For example, what I'd like to do is have one collection for publications generated by our lab, and another collection for students/theses - so a visitor would arrive at our site, see something like "Library" in the main menu, and from there have the option to view either a list of publications or a list of theses.

I googled this, and there was some discussion on the Drupal site six or seven years ago about how this would be a great feature, but I haven't seen anything more recent indicating that it was ever implemented. If it hasn't, is there at least an elegant work-around?


I need to get a handle on that use case as well. Here's how I would start:

1. Create a new taxonomy called Publication Categories (admin/structure/taxonomy).

2. Add some terms

— Lab publications
— Student theses

Save that.

3. Now go to the Manage Fields page of your Biblio content type (admin/structure/types/manage/biblio/fields)

At the bottom of the page, add a new field and give it these settings:

Label: Publication Categories
Field type: term reference
Form element: Select list

Click Save and on the next screen, choose Publication categories, click Save field settings, then click Save.

4. While you're there, you might as well delete the Body field, as you don't need with journal articles (abstract has its own field, Body is unused) and it takes up a lot of space when you're editing a Biblio entry.

Now, next time you're entering or editing a Biblio entry, you can group content by these two categories, or any others you enter.

The complication enters at this point, because you have to create a View to show the different types of publications. This is easy to do, but you lose that cool Search functionality you get with the default Biblio page.

I'll check to see if the Drupal Cloud views allows for Imports. If so, I'll past the view that you need here.

Ed Carlevale
MIT Drupal Group


Nope, there’s no way to import or export views. Ahem, that functionality should be enabled for site admins. It would make our work immensely easier if we could export views that we’ve created from one site to another. And, ahem, ahem, this being an open source platform, it would be in the spirit of good citizenship if we made complicated views available generally to everyone in the community. But to do this from scratch, here’s how it could be done.

1. Create a new view (admin/structure/views/add) and give it these settings:

View name: Publications
Description: View to show publications by sub categories (i.e., lab publications, student theses, etc).
Type: Biblio
Create a page: yes
Page Title: Lab Publications
Path: publications/lab
Display format: Html list of fields
Items to display: 25
Use a pager: yes

Click Continue & edit

2. On the next page, add these settings:

Display name: Lab Publications
Title Lab Publications
Under Fields, click “Content: Title” and remove it
Under Fields, click Add. Enter “citation” in the Search field and choose “Biblio: Biblio Citation” when it pops up. Click apply.
Uncheck everything that’s checked (create a label, Show export links, etc)
For Style, selecte Nature. You can change it later.
Click Apply.

For Sort Criteria, click “Content: Post date (desc)” and remove it.
Cick add, put “date" in the Search field, and choose “Biblio: Date Published” when it pops up. Choose Descending and click apply.

Under Filter criteria, click Add. Put “publication” in the Search field and choose “Content: Publication categories (field_publication_categories)” when it pops up. Click apply.
Select Dropdown, selected “Lab publications” and click Apply.

With any luck, you now have a publication at the bottom of the screen that you previously tagged as a Lab publication. If not, open up or create a publication and tag it as a Lab publication.

3. On the right side of the View is a pulldown menu that should say, “view Lab Publications.” From this menu choose “clone Lab Publications.” Make the following changes to the second view:

Display name: Student Theses
Filter Criteria = Student Theses
path : publications/theses

Save the view. You should now have two new pages:



General Biblio tips

1. Enable an import filter (admin/moduleassign) for the most common citation formats:

— Biblio - BibTex
— Biblio - PubMed
— Biblio - Ris
— Biblio - Endnote xml

No when you add a new publication (node/add/biblio), these import formats will make your work easier. Just paste a pubmed id in the PubMed ID field, click Populate, and voila!

2. MIT Libraries and Bartin Plus. This is really cool. Type any publication title in the standard Barton search field ( The search results take you to Barton Plus. Click on the search result you ant and you’ll see an export option on the right. Click that and choose the Bibtext option, then save. You’ll get a result that looks like that.

Abstract = {Production of dissolved organic matter (DOM) by marine phytoplankton supplies the majority of organic substrate consumed by heterotrophic bacterioplankton in the sea. This production and subsequent consumption converts a vast quantity of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus between organic and inorganic forms, directly impacting global cycles of these biologically important elements. Details regarding the chemical composition of DOM produced by marine phytoplankton are sparse, and while often assumed, it is not currently known if phylogenetically distinct groups of marine phytoplankton release characteristic suites of DOM. To investigate the relationship between specific phytoplankton groups and the DOM they release, hydrophobic phytoplankton-derived dissolved organic matter (DOMP) from eight axenic strains was analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). Identification of DOM features derived from Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, Thalassios},
Author = {Becker, Jamie W and Berube, Paul M and Follett, Christopher L and Waterbury, John B and Chisholm, Sallie W and Delong, Edward F and Repeta, Daniel J},
ISSN = {1664-302X},
Journal = {Frontiers In Microbiology},
Keywords = {Phaeodactylum, Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, Thalassiosira, dissolved organic matter, exometabolome, marine phytoplankton, untargeted metabolomics},
Pages = {111},
Title = {Closely related phytoplankton species produce similar suites of dissolved organic matter.},
Volume = {5},
URL = {},
Year = {2014},

Paste the whole thing in your Bibtex field when you add a new publication (node/add/biblio), and voila!

3. Bulk imports. To import more than a single publication, go to the Biblio import page (admin/config/content/biblio/import). Choose your fuel, your format, and import.

— Export pubmed ID lists from
— export endnote files as endnote xml.

Good luck!

