Hello, I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to take the content (MIT Events Calendar) and make a custom View from it, but I can't see any nodes or the Events content type. Anyone know if there is any way to access it or do I have to create a custom content type and duplicate effort? :)
Thanks, Kris
I'm replying to this thread so I can be notified if comments are posted. 8)
The MIT Events custom module does not have this feature, as it does not actually generate nodes. If you're looking to be able to work with events as nodes, then perhaps using Feeds to consume the RSS from events.mit.edu might be worth trying. (And if you do that, please tell us about it here!)
From my tinkering, I found that the RSS Feed from the MIT Events page only publishes content on the day the event is set to happen, and not as the content is posted to the events calendar. It's not useful for building a calendar to publicize events happening in the future, but it is useful for creating a calendar of "Today at MIT".