I am trying to implement a logo the Communications group created for me. It includes a rollover, so I need to upload two images (one "on" and one "off"). I can upload the CSS via a CSS injector but am trying to figure out how to change/add the HTML that is part of the header/top of the page but not the header block itself and how to add the second image. Is either of these possible?
Using the drupalcloud site as an example, the header block only includes the search box. I want to edit the HTML that includes the black background. Any ideas?
It depends on how the site header is implemented. It may be that your site currently uses the site name/slogan/logo settings built into your theme (check your theme settings). To substitute in your new logo, it may be that uploading it in your theme settings is all you need to do. Or you may need to hide the existing logo and create a new block with the new logo.
Thanks for that. Is it possible to create a new region so that I can put a new block in it? That's the problem I'm running into.
The regions are set by the theme, so no. If you're having trouble with the order of your site name/slogan/logo, etc., you may want to shut them off in your theme and recreate using a block. A combination of custom html and css will usually get things where you want them to go.