How quickly can/will new modules be added?


  • Question

We're working with an outside web design firm that will likely use modules not already in the Drupal Cloud inventory. What are our options?


Great question! Our plan is to release new features roughly quarterly. We're working on our roadmap now and will publish it on this site, and update it as it evolves.

Please tell us here on this forum what features and modules you'd like to see, as we want to base our roadmap on what will serve the community best.

If you have a specific feature in mind, you have a few options:

  • Describe it here in the Community section. It may be do-able using existing Drupal Cloud features.
  • If it's not currently available, advocate for it here! Features and functions that get community support will be considered for future releases. If a community-contributed module meets coding best practice standards, has a good support track record, and has wide community appeal and usefulness, we can add it to our roadmap. If it's a feature that doesn't yet exist as a contributed module, or it is something MIT-specific, our developers will look at crafting a solution. (Examples: Touchstone module, MIT Events module.)
  • If you have a specific deadline you need to meet, and the feature you need is not on the roadmap or not yet released, you may need to go with a custom Drupal site instead. However, if the feature you need is something that would benefit all Drupal Cloud users, and meets coding best practice standards, contact us to discuss sponsoring a module to be added to the service. Please email us at: 
