See for how to add Javascript to DC sites. Feel free to use/improve/alter as needed. See code comments for behavior specifics.
// Note: this Javascript block should have a higher weight (lower in sort order) than other Javascript blocks which add links to the page.
(function($) {
* Finds all external links and opens them in a new window.
* Also opens all links manually given the "new-window" class in a new window.
* Allows override of behavior if "no-new-window" class is manually added to link. In case of conflict, the "no-new-window" class takes precedence.
* If no automatic labeling of external sites is needed (i.e. all links that should open in a new window are given the "new-window" class manually), delete Step 1.
Drupal.behaviors.newWindow = {
attach: function() {
// -- Step 1: find external links not already labeled and add "external" class -- //
var host_pattern = new RegExp('https?://' +; // get the host of the current site
// go through each link and add class if 1) does not already have a relevant class and 2) has a different host
$('a').not('.external, .new-window, .no-new-window').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('href') && $(this).attr('href').match(/^https?:\/\//)
&& !$(this).attr('href').match(host_pattern)) {
// -- end Step 1 -- //
// -- Step 2: implement click functionality -- //
$('a.external,').click(function() {
if (!$(this).hasClass('no-new-window')) {;
return false;
// -- end Step 2 -- //
Thank you! I think all sites should do this. I'd like to see installed as a module on DC too.