When I try to Login with Touchstone to edit my site it comes up that there is an error saying: •[Shibboleth authentication] Couldn't login user. How do I fix this?


  • Question


Did you change your username or email address? That would explain the error message you're seeing. Touchstone/Shibboleth is expecting the account username and email to match the kerberos ID in your MIT certificate.

To get back into your site, go to your /user page and click the Request New Password link. That will let you set a password for your account so you can get in and change it back to match your kerberos ID.

Important note: DO NOT set your password to match your MIT Kerberos password. Instead, use a different, secure password. I use this site to generate strong passwords when I need them: http://strongpasswordgenerator.com

Once you're back into your site and have adjusted your username and email, you can go back to using Touchstone instead of the password you just set.


That's definitely the problem, thank you! I changed my username. Unfortunately, when I use the password reset and hit the Log In button it says that access is denied and 'You are not authorized to access this page.' Is there any other way to change the username back to my Kerberos ID? Thank you so much for your help!


Try putting https:// before your site URL when you try to log in. There's a known issue with username/password logins not properly forwarding through HTTPS automatically, so when you go through HTTP you get a rejection message. That should be sorted out soon. We'll announce the fix in the release notes when the patch is pushed out to all sites.

If the above doesn't work, please email drupalcloud@mit.edu to report the trouble you're having. Thanks!


All fixed! Thank you so much.


Any word on when this know issue will be fully resolved so that http requests get routed automatically to the secure port?
