I'm looking at these instructions:
However, when I go to configuration, I see no option to configure events calendar. what steps am i missing?
With the launch of the MIT Sites service, Drupal Cloud is being phased out. Effective January 2, 2024, no new Drupal Cloud sites will be created. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to visit sites.mit.edu to create a new MIT website.
I'm looking at these instructions:
However, when I go to configuration, I see no option to configure events calendar. what steps am i missing?
Hi there:
The location of the configuration setting for the calendar aren't particularly intuitive. Here is where they are located:
1. Go to configuration->blocks.
2. Find the MIT Events: Groups block and click the configure link.
3. Under block contents click the configure group display link. This brings up the calendar configuration, there are four tabs with different settings you can set up here.